Tamar Grow Local

Local Markets

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Full information

Tamar Grow Local (TGL) is a ‘not for profit’ Community Interest Company (CIC) set up on co-operative principles for the benefit of the community. This structure allows trading and has the ability to create a number of more specialist co-operative ventures under its umbrella to meet demand. The area covered is the Tamar Valley, which includes the market towns of Tavistock, Launceston, Callington and Saltash.

Our activities focus on three main areas:

Community – Providing opportunities and support for local people to grow their own food including allotments, growing plots and orchards.
Education – Raising awareness of the benefits of local produce and the unique market gardening history of this area.
Commercial – Working with commercial growers and supply chains to increase the availability & consumption of local food and produce.
We are an umbrella organisation which supports various community and commercial projects and enterprises including:

Allotments, Orchards, Apiaries, Livestock Co-operatives, CSA’s, Community growing projects.

We are also home to a number of other projects which in turn support these community groups and otherl food producing businesses, including:

Local markets, Food hubs, an equipment bank, and SailTrade – a project exploring low carbon distribution and tansport using the Tamar River.

We work with other local organisations and businesses to achieve this as well as developing our own projects for sustainable production.

A regular steering sroup is held to review progress and discuss future activities, together with an Annual General Meeting. All members or all projects are welcome to attend and participate. Details are on our website or we can post information to you.

As a community business, we also value your views and ideas. Please E-mail or write to us.

We will work in a co-operative approach with other local businesses and organisations to achieve our aims, and need your support.

Check our website or find us on Facebook for our next market dates